Sunday, September 28, 2008

quesTion about PaLesTin-Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi

aShaykh Yusuf Al Qaradawi
(Egypt / Qatar)

"Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression."

20 Muharram 1423 AH
4 April 2002
Question: Are we allowed to buy items from Israeli sources, even though this money may be used to help the Jewish "war machine"?
Answer by Shaikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi:
It is Jihad to liberate the Islamic lands from those who attack or conquer them. These are enemies of Islam. This Jihad is an absolute obligation and a sacred duty; firstly on the people of that land. If the Muslims of that land can't offer sufficientresistance, then Muslims of neighboring countries are obliged to assist. If this is still not sufficient then all the Muslims of the world must assist.
Palestine is the land of the first Qiblah of the Muslims, the land of Isra' and Mi`raj, the land of Al-Aqsa and the blessed territory. The conquerors are those with the greatest enmity to the believers, and they are supported by the strongest state on earth - the USA, and by the world Jewish community.
Jihad is obligatory against those who take land and expel the inhabitants, spill the blood, violate the honor, destroy the houses, burn the fields, and corrupt the land. Jihad is the first obligation of all obligations, and the first duty of the Ummah. Muslims are commanded to do this, first those from the land in question, after that their neighbors, and finally all Muslims. We must all be united against the aggressors. We are united in Islam, including unity of belief in the Shari`ah, unity of belief in the Qiblah, and also united in pain and hope. As Allah Almighty says: "Verily this Ummah of yours is one Ummah." (Qur'an, 21:92). Allah Almighty also says: "Surely the believers are a single brotherhood." (Qur'an, 49:10). There is a Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that states: "The Muslim is the brother to the Muslim, he can't oppress him, he can't give him up, he can't let him down." [Transmitted by Muslim].
Now we see our brothers and children in Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine generously sacrificing their blood, giving their souls willingly in the way of Allah. All Muslims must help them with whatever power they have. (See the Noble Qur'an, 8:72).
If people ask in the name of religion we must help them. The vehicle of this support is a complete boycott of the enemies' goods. Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression. Buying goods from them will strengthen them; our duty is to make them as weak as we can. Our obligation is to strengthen our resisting brothers in the Sacred Land as much as we can. If we cannot strengthen the brothers, we have a duty to make the enemy weak. If their weakness cannot be achieved except by boycott, we must boycott them.
American goods, exactly like "Israeli" goods, are forbidden. It is also forbidden to advertise these goods. America today is a second Israel. It totally supports the Zionist entity. The usurper could not do this without the support of America. "Israel's" unjustified destruction and vandalism of everything has been using American money, American weapons, and the American veto. America has done this for decades without suffering the consequences of any punishment or protests about their oppressive and prejudiced position from the Islamic world.
The time has come for the Islamic Ummah to say "NO" to America, "NO" to its companies, and "NO" to its goods, which swamp our markets. We are eating, drinking, wearing and riding whatever America produces.
We must all be united against the aggressors. We are united in Islam, including unity of belief in the Shari`ah, unity of belief in the Qiblah, and also united in pain and hope. As Allah Almighty says: "Verily this Ummah of yours is one Ummah." (Qur'an, 21:92).

`Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "You have three enemies; your enemy, the friend of your enemy, and the enemy of your friend". The USA today is more than friends to our enemy; they would destroy themselves for Israel. The world wide Muslim Ummah numbering 1.3 billion, could cause pain to the USA and its companies by boycotting them. This is an obligation of our religion, and the way of Allah. Every Muslim that buys "Israeli" or American goods, when there is an alternative from other countries is committing a haram act. They are clearly committing a major sin, which is a crime against Allah's law, which invokes punishment from Allah, and the contempt of the people.
Our brothers in "Israel" and America are forced to deal with them and buy their products. Allah does not ask you to do what you can't do; only what you can.
Allah says: "Fear Allah as much as you are able." (Qur'an, 64:16).
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "If I order you to do something, do however much you can". Muslims in America must work with companies who are least hostile to Muslims, least allied to the Zionists. Boycott Zionist companies as much as you can.
Arabs and Muslims must boycott all companies that are biased towards Zionism and support Israel, whatever the national origin of that company (e.g. Marks and Spencer), and anyone like this who supports the Zionists and helps the "Israeli" state. The boycott is a very sharp weapon, used in the past and recently. It was used by the pagans in Makkah against the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and his companions. It caused great harm to them; they even had to eat leaves. It was also used by companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, to fight against the pagans in Madinah. In recent times we saw nations use boycotts in their struggle for the liberation from colonialism. A famous example is Gandhi who asked the vast Indian nation to boycott English goods, which was very effective. A boycott is in the hands of the nation and masses alone. Governments can't force people to buy goods from a particular country. Let us use this weapon to resist our national and religious enemy, and make them know we are still alive, and that this Ummah will not die, God willing. The boycott has many different effects; it renews the education of the Ummah in how to liberate themselves from enslavement to other people's taste. They encourage us to be addicted to these things of no benefit, indeed they cause us harm. The boycott is a demonstration of Muslim brotherhood and unity of the Ummah. It is our duty to say we are not going to betray our brothers, who make sacrifices every day. We will not participate in making profits for our enemy. This boycott is a lesser resistance, which will help the greater resistance carried out by our brothers in the land of Messengers, and the fortified frontier of Jihad. If every Jew in the world thinks himself a soldier, supporting Israel as much as he can, surely every Muslim using his very soul and wealth is a soldier to liberate Al-Aqsa. The least [the Muslim] can do is boycott his [the enemies'] goods. Allah says: "Oh you who believe, you are protectors of each other. If you don't do this there will be great division and corruption.
Our sisters and daughters, who control the houses, have a role to play in this matter, which may be more important than the role of the man, because women supervise the needs of the house, and buy what must go inside the house. She is on hand to guide the boys and girls. She plants the Jihadic spirit in the children, and educates them in what they must do for their Ummah and its causes, and what they must do to the Ummah's enemies, especially in the area of boycott. When the children understand this they will carry on the boycott enthusiastically, and later will lead the parents.

If the consumer buying Jewish or American goods is committing a major sin, surely the merchant buying these goods and acting as an agent is the greatest sinner. Even if the company works under a different name, they know they are deceiving people. The Muslim Ummah all over the world is being asked to demonstrate its existence, and show its desire to protect what is sacrosanct. The Islamic Ummah must know who are its allies, and who are its enemies. The Ummah is forbidden to give in to weakness, and depression, and accept the tyrannical peace, which the Zionists want to impose.
Allah says: "Don't be humiliated and ask for peace, while you are on the Uppermost and Allah is with you." [Qur'an, 47:35]. Our sisters and daughters, who control the houses, have a role to play in this matter, which may be more important than the role of the man, because women supervise the needs of the house, and buy what must go inside the house. She is on hand to guide the boys and girls. She plants the Jihadic spirit in the children, and educates them in what they must do for their Ummah and its causes, and what they must do to the Ummah's enemies, especially in the area of boycott. When the children understand this they will carry on the boycott enthusiastically, and later will lead the parents.
I ask all the believers in Allah, Christians and others, and all the free and noble people in the world to stand beside us, and support the right and truth against falsehood, and justice against injustice. Help to victory the weak, who are being killed every day in the way of Allah, protecting the Noble Sanctuary.
Also, I request the workers of the Arab and Muslim countries around the world to support the Palestinians in the their just cause, and show their anger by demonstrating against the powerful tyrants, by disturbing their businesses as much as they can. Finally I ask the wise, reasonable and experienced in every country to organize cells to build a boycott, to create alternatives and avoid the negative things, and carry on educating the masses, until the word of truth is raised up and falsehood is destroyed. Surely it will perish.
"Say 'work', surely Allah will see your work and His Messenger and the believers, you will return to the Unseen world and witness, and you will know what you were doing."
"This Fatwa is based on the proofs of the Book and Sunnah and Consensus of the Ummah." Allah Almighty knows best.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Kasih Rasullallah

Untukdikongsi, betapa kasihnya Rasulullah kepada

Yazid Arraqqasyi dari Anas bin Malik ra. berkata:
Jibrail datang
kepada Nabi saw pada waktu yg ia tidak biasa datang
dalam keadaan berubah
mukanya, maka ditanya oleh nabi s. a. w. "Mengapa aku
melihat kau
berubah muka?"

Jawabnya: "Ya Muhammad, aku datang kepadamu di saat
Allah menyuruh
supaya dikobarkan penyalaan api neraka, maka tidak
layak bagi orang
yg mengetahui bahawa neraka Jahannam itu benar, dan
siksa kubur itu
benar, dan siksa Allah itu terbesar untuk bersuka-suka
sebelum ia
merasa aman daripadanya."

Lalu nabi s. a. w. bersabda: "Ya Jibrail, jelaskan
padaku sifat

Jawabnya: "Ya. Ketika Allah menjadikan Jahannam, maka
seribu tahun, sehingga merah, kemudian dilanjutkan
seribu tahun
putih, kemudian seribu tahun sehingga hitam, maka ia
hitam gelap,
pernah padam nyala dan baranya. Demi Allah yg mengutus
dengan hak, andaikan terbuka sebesar lubang jarum
nescaya akan
dapat membakar penduduk dunia semuanya kerana
panasnya. Demi Allah
yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu baju ahli
neraka itu
digantung di antara langit dan bumi nescaya akan mati
penduduk bumi
kerana panas dan basinya. Demi Allah yg mengutus
engkau dengan hak,
andaikan satu pergelangan dari rantai yg disebut dalam
itu diletakkan di atas bukit, nescaya akan cair sampai
ke bawah
bumi yg ke tujuh. Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan
andaikan seorang di hujung barat tersiksa, nescaya
akan terbakar
orang-orang yang di hujung timur kerana
sangat panasnya, Jahannam itu sangat dalam dan
perhiasannya besi,
minumannya air panas campur nanah, dan pakaiannya
api. Api neraka itu ada tujuh pintu, tiap-tiap pintu
bahagiannya yang tertentu dari orang laki-laki dan

Nabi s. a. w. bertanya: "Apakah pintu-pintunya
bagaikan pintu-pintu
rumah kami?" Jawabnya: "Tidak, tetapi selalu terbuka,
di bawah dari lainnya, dari pintu ke pintu jarak
perjalanan 70,000
tahun, tiap pintu lebih panas dari yang lain 70 kali
ganda." (nota
kefahaman: iaitu yg lebih bawah lebih panas)

Tanya Rasulullah s. a. w.: "Siapakah penduduk
masing-masing pintu?"
Jawab Jibrail: "Pintu yg terbawah untuk orang-orang
munafik, dan
orang-orang yg kafir setelah diturunkan hidangan
mukjizat nabi Isa
a. s. serta keluarga Fir'aun sedang namanya
Al-Hawiyah. Pintu kedua
tempat orang-orang musyrikin bernama Jahim, pintu
ketiga tempat
orang shobi'in bernama Saqar.

Pintu ke empat tempat Iblis dan pengikutnya dari kaum
Ladha, pintu kelima orang yahudi bernama Huthomah.

Pintu ke enam tempat orang nasara bernama Sa'eir."
Kemudian Jibrail
segan pada Rasulullah s. a. w. sehingga ditanya:
"Mengapa tidak kau
terangkan penduduk pintu ke tujuh?" Jawabnya: "Di
orang-orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu yg sampai
mati belum
sempat bertaubat."

Maka nabi s. a. w. jatuh pengsan ketika mendengar
keterangan itu,
sehingga Jibrail meletakkan kepala nabi s. a. w. di
sehingga sedar kembali dan sesudah sedar nabi saw
bersabda: "Ya
Jibrail, sungguh besar kerisauanku dan sangat sedihku,
apakah ada
seorang dari ummat ku yang akan masuk ke dalam
neraka?" Jawabnya:
"Ya, iaitu orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu."
Kemudian nabi s.
a. w. menangis, Jibrail juga menangis, kemudian nabi
s. a. w. masuk
ke dalam rumahnya dan tidak keluar kecuali untuk
kemudian kembali dan tidak berbicara dengan orang dan
sembahyang selalu menangis dan minta kepada
Allah.(dipetik dari
kitab "Peringatan Bagi Yg Lalai")

Dari Hadith Qudsi: Bagaimana kamu masih boleh
melakukan maksiat
sedangkan kamu tak dapat bertahan dengan panasnya
terik matahari
Ku. Tahukah kamu bahawa neraka jahanamKu itu:

1. Neraka Jahanam itu mempunyai 7 tingkat
2. Setiap tingkat mempunyai 70,000 daerah
3. Setiap daerah mempunyai 70,000 kampung
4. Setiap kampung mempunyai 70,000 rumah
5. Setiap rumah mempunyai 70,000 bilik
6. Setiap bilik mempunyai 70,000 kotak
7. Setiap kotak mempunyai 70,000 batang pokok zarqum
8. Di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000 ekor
9. Di dalam mulut setiap ular yang panjang 70 hasta
racun yang hitam pekat.
10. Juga di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000
11. Setiap rantai diseret oleh 70,000 malaikat

Mudah-mudahan dapat menimbulkan keinsafan kepada kita


Al-Quran Surah Al- Baqarah Ayat 159

" Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyembunyikan apa
yang telah Kami
turunkan dari keterangan-keterangan dan petunjuk
hidayat, sesudah
menerangkannya kepada manusia di dalam Kitab Suci,
mereka itu
oleh Allah dan dilaknat oleh sekalian makhluk."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mutiara Minda

Teringat pesan ayahanda...

"Sudahkah di Qada' Solat yang lepas-lepas? Jika tidak ingat, gantikanlah dengan mengira berapa usia kita sekarang ditolak kira-kira 10 tahun dari mula akil baligh kita..." Subhanallah, betapa alpa nya kami... Sesungguhnya Engkau maha penerima taubat...

Peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa........

Adakah kita seorang Islam???? Pernahkah kita terfikir... Hidup kita ini hanyalah sementara. Sampai masanya kita akan pergi menemui Allah. Apakah bekalan dan persediaan kita menempuh hari kematian. Dalam kita mengejar kejayaan dunia, kita sering lupa bahawa tujuan hidup kita yang sebenar.. apakah pilihan kita? Beruntunglah orang-orang yang berebut-rebut menagih ihsan dan kasih sayang Allah. Sesungguhnya keredhaan Allah yang kita cari. Dunia yang semakin tua ini sering dilanda masalah, bermula daripada jerebu, kegawatan

ekonomi, timbul pula gejala murtad... Fitnah.. gempa bumi, peperangan

dan bermacam-macam lagi. Ini sebenarnya adalah ujian Allah kepada kita. Adakah kita benar-benar menginsafinya. Semua ini juga adalah bala!! Tanda kemurkaan Allah!! Adakah kita benar-benar seorang Islam???? Maka, adakah kita fikir bahawa kejayaan kita di Universiti dapat membawa kita ke Syurga?Adakah kita fikir bahawa kejayaan kita adalah kerana usaha dan ikhtiar anda sendiri. Tidak malukah kita mengaku diri kita hebat, bijak, rajin ... walhal semuanya adalah kurnia Allah. Segala kelebihan yang ada pada kita adalah datangnya dari Allah. Apakah kita fikir Allah itu akan menyukai hambaNya yang tidak bersyukur.Adakah kita yakin kita seorang Islam???

Sedangkan Rabiatul Adawiyah tidak mahu melupakan Allah walau sedetik

sekalipun. Hassan Al-Basri pula menangis sampai berjujuran airmata kerana menyesal melupai Allah dalam beberapa minit. Tetapi, mengapa kita masih leka di buai perasaan...

Tidakkah kita berasa rugi kerana kurang berzikir kepada Allah..

Tidakkah kita berasa rugi kerana kurang berselawat kepada Rasulullah...

Siapa diri kita sebenarnya!!!! Firaun???

Tentu tidak.. jadi, siapa kita sebenarnya, wahai manusia yang berasal

dari sekepal tanah yang hina!!!! Apakah kita yakin kita bertuhankan Allah????

Maka, mengapa kita tidak mahu mengejar Dia... Mengapa kita masih

mendedahkan aurat?. Mengapa kita masih tidak mahu menuntut ilmu.

Syariat,Tariqat, Hakikat, dan Makrifat. Feqah dan Tasauf... Dapatkah

kita menghuraikan cabang-cabang ilmu tersebut.. Tidak malukah kita kerana gagal menghuraikannya, jauh dari mengamalkannya. Adakah kita harus mempersalahkan puak-puak kristian yang berjaya memurtadkan ribuan umat Islam jika kita sendiri gagal memperhebatkan pertahanan diri.

Ketahuilah... sesungguhnya Iblis itu amat suka kepada mereka yang

tidak berilmu.. Sedarilah bahawa, kejahilan boleh menyebabkan dosa. Dosa!!!

Kita tidak takut dosa.Berapa banyak amalan kita yang boleh menghapuskan dosa seharian??? Apakah kita begitu yakin untuk menempuh akhirat???? Siapakah kita menjelang hari kematian? Adakah kita seorang Islam. Bersediakah kita berhadapan dengan malaikat maut. Apakah kita merasakan diri kita terlalu mulia sehingga tidak ada daya untuk menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan mungkar.

Kita pergi kuliah, pergi kerja ** kita yakin kita telah menutup aurat? Kita solat ... ** kita yakin solat kita tidak tercela?

Kita makan ... ** kita yakin rezeki yang kita jamah diredhai Allah?

Kita minum ... ** kita yakin di akhirat kelak kita akan dapat minum seperti yang kita minum sekarang?

Kita ketawa ... ** kita tidak malu pada Allah?

Kita cemerlang dalam SPM,PASCAL, LOGIK, TITAS,C++, ...

* kita yakin semua itu dapat membantun kita menjelangnya fitnah kubur?

Kita berpuasa ** kita yakin puasa kita mulia sehingga dapat membela

kita di hari akhirat?

Kita sihat ... ** kita yakin Allah muliakan kita?

Kita sakit ... ** kita tidak malu pada Allah kerana menarik balik nikmat kesihatan?

Siapa Kita????

Kita adalah manusia yang berasal dari sekepal tanah yang hina dina.. betapa hinanya kita... tapi, kita masih mampu tersenyum dan tertawa. Bersedialah menempuh hari selepas kematian, bersedialah untuk menempuh sakaratul maut. Burulah cinta ALLAH, sebelum Allah menutup pintu rahmatnya.

Sesungguhnya kematian itu adalah sesuatu yang PASTI......!!!!

Siapa kita....????

Wallahu'alam - JKIM :

ibu utama

A) Nabi S.A.W bersabda yang bermaksud :

Ada 4 di pandang sebagai ibu iaitu:

1 ) Ibu dari segala UBAT adalah SEDIKIT MAKAN.

2 ) Ibu dari segala ADAB adalah SEDIKIT BERCAKAP.

3 ) Ibu dari segala IBADAT adalah TAKUT BUAT DOSA.

4 ) Ibu dari segala CITA CITA adalah SABAR

B) Berpesan-pesanlah kepada kebenaran dan Kesabaran.

C) Beberapa kata renungan dari Qur'an :

Orang yang tidak melakukan sholat pada :

Subuh : Dijauhkan cahaya muka yang bersinar

Zhuhur : Tidak diberikan berkah dalam rezekinya

Asar : Dijauhkan dari kesihatan / kekuatan

Maghrib : Tidak diberi santunan oleh anak-anaknya.

Isya' : Dijauhkan kedamaian dalam tidurnyaAl-Quran:

Sembahyanglah sebelum kau disembahyangkan oleh orang lain.